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Ann Arbor Home Inspections

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(402) 401-6054

As the summer sun shines bright, it’s important to acknowledge how heat and sunlight can impact your furniture and decor. By taking a few simple precautions, you can preserve the beauty and longevity of your beloved home accents.

Placement and Rotation: Avoid placing furniture and decor in direct sunlight to prevent fading, discoloration, and heat damage. Regularly rotate items to ensure even exposure to sunlight and minimize wear and tear.

Window Treatments: Install UV-protective window films or use blinds and curtains to filter out harmful UV rays. This helps reduce sun damage to furniture, fabrics, and artwork while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature.

Protective Covers: Invest in protective covers for outdoor furniture to shield them from excessive heat, UV rays, and moisture. This preserves their condition and extends their lifespan.

Regular Cleaning and Maintenance: Dust and clean furniture regularly to prevent dirt buildup, which can exacerbate sun damage. Apply appropriate treatments, such as wood polish or fabric protectors, to maintain their quality.

Indoor Climate Control: Maintain a comfortable indoor environment with air conditioning or fans to prevent excessive heat and humidity, which can cause warping, cracking, and deterioration of furniture and decor.

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